Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Paparazzi

Hi people!
As many would know who yubin is (or not), he is a part of our class and we cannot change that fact, unless he gets kicks back to china at the end of the year of something like that. As such, we should try to help him by, firstly, seeing his living conditions:


WOW. Such a wonderful and condusive environment to mug for promos. lets all have a stayover there till promos ends :)


celestloves. said...

thats like uber gross cann.

Anonymous said...

Yes! End-of-year class outing to his posh quarters!!!

yilun said...

how the hell did you get those !!!
its like omfg.

Typewriter Ribbon said...

man... i've lived in a hostel before, and cleanliness is one of those things people don't really put in their priority list but sheesh... my gawd, that looks pretty bad. maybe we can promote hygeine (spelling :P) to yubin.

oso, i really want to know how you got those pictures too :P